It's a bit expensive at 34 gold, however it is nice that you are able to know more than just 14 WoTLK Gold for that amount of 16 gold. It's an impressive profit. Totally worth it. This is tip number two. We'll be right back on the third position is Shai Lanai, an owl trainer and trainer. As you'll notice this Hawk owl that she sells is available for sale at eight gold and five silver on the Auction House and we can purchase it for 45 Silver and then the great horned owl for a identical price. We're gonna pick up both of them and that's place three.
We're here at number four. We have six the moth keeping here, we also have blue moth eggs selling for almost six dollars. You can purchase it for 45 Silver, we've got the white moth egg in gold which can be used for 45 Silver. We've also got the moth egg in yellow for gold as well. The moth eggs all sell very quickly and they are alliances that you only buy this from this vendor and it's only for lions.
Therefore, there's a good opportunity to sell it through the auction house that is neutral for horde players who will be willing to pay some likely good amount of money. And if you're a horse player, you might be able to pick it up at the auction house of neutrality and offer it to you own auction home that you will mark it up to three times the price. whatever because you went to the auction house neutral and purchased it. In fact, you could probably sell this for a ton of buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold on in the Horde Auction House. That's tip number four.