The precise location of this particular entity has been a point of contention for a considerable number of players due to the fact that its visibility is dependent on the successful completion of a number of predetermined requirements.  The following is an explanation of the locations in Elden Ring where players can look for the Baleful Shadow, as well as the actions they need to take in order to bring it into view.

Players who wish to complete Ranni's questline will be required to eliminate the Baleful Shadow; however, the precise location of this creature can be difficult to ascertain.  This information was most recently updated on August 3, 2023.  In order for players to find the spirit, they will not only need to journey to Nokstella, the Eternal City, but they will also need to navigate their way to a specific location that is off the beaten path.  Only then will they be able to locate the spirit.  New information has been added to the following guide in order to provide players with a more in-depth look at how they can reach the Baleful Shadow Location.  Because the location of the Baleful Shadow can be difficult to find, we have updated this guide with the new information.

How to Use the Elden Ring to Reach the Eternal City of Nokstella Nokstella's Eternal City is a Destination You Can Never Leave.

In order for players to defeat the Baleful Shadow and obtain the Key Item that it guards, it is necessary for them to gain access to the mysterious hidden zone known as Nokstella, Eternal City.  Before players can access this region of the game, they will need to make a significant amount of progress throughout the game (unless they want to be locked into a specific ending, in which case they can skip this requirement).  Because of this, gaining access to this region is unfortunately much easier to do in theory than it actually is in practice.  Going through Nokron, Eternal City, which is a region that can only be accessed once players have defeated Starscourge Radahn, is the correct way to get to Nokstella, Eternal City.  It is also the only way to get there from Nokron.  After the challenging boss has been vanquished, a crater will appear to the south of the Mistwood Ruins.  This crater will lead you to the concealed location.

It is imperative that the Fingerslayer Blade be delivered to Ranni, and in order to do so, the players will have to make their way through Nokron.  She will grant them access to Renna's Rise in the Three Sisters after they have presented it to her.  This location is home to a Waygate that can be used to travel to the Ainsel River Main region.  The Eternal City of Nokstella is not far away from there, and can be reached on foot in a relatively short amount of time.  If you are looking for a more in-depth guide to getting to the small underground city that has been concealed, check out the link that has been provided.


Elden Ring's Miniature Ranni Doll Reveals a Sinister Presence, as Discovered by Elden Ring's Miniature Ranni Doll


- Once it has made its appearance in the world, locating the Baleful Shadow is not too difficult; however, the challenge lies in bringing it into existence in the first place

-  In order to obtain the Miniature Ranni Doll, the first thing that players will need to do is open the coffin that can be found at the beginning of the Ansel River Main area

-  Its location is convenient to the Site of Grace, which is not far away

-  When a player has obtained this doll, they are obligated to travel to any Site of Grace and strike up a conversation with the statue that can be found there

-  If you keep acting in this manner, the Miniature Ranni will begin emitting a

- However, despite the fact that it does not appear as though the inanimate object is providing any feedback, players are required to continue their attempts

-  After the player has spoken to the item multiple times and received the same silent response each time, they will eventually be able to unlock a short set of dialogue with Ranni herself, who uses the Miniature Ranni Doll as a vessel to communicate with the Tarnished

-  This will take place after multiple attempts at communicating with the item, all of which result in the same response

 If you continue in this manner, she will develop an interest in the Baneful Shadow.

The players are free to proceed to the area where the Baleful Shadow is located once they have had a conversation with Ranni and received instructions on how to vanquish the shadow.  Players only need to enter Nokstella, Eternal City, head west from the Site of Grace, and make their way through the watery path that is guarded by a large number of electrified Silver Tears in order to reach their destination.  Finding one's way there is not an overly challenging endeavor.  After making their way through the crowd, the players will see a tower-like structure far off to the left of where they are currently standing after they have traversed through the mass.  When players enter this building, they will be taken on a lengthy elevator ride that will lead them to a different Site of Grace as well as a cave that is nearby.  Both of these locations are accessible at the same time.  If the players successfully navigate the cave while keeping an eye out for the three Basalik foes, they will arrive at a location that has a reddish hue.  They will have an encounter with the Malevolent Shadow when they are there.