He tried to come up with some WoTLK Gold stat weights that are generally valid, but, you know the stat weights you use for you are gonna be very different from those for someone else, it all depends on the raid DPS and the speed you're killing your boss and the rest of it. So Ada upgrades are an excellent tool.
I love ADA upgrades I utilize it every day. It's a fantastic option to share information with others and also to go through the gear and keep in mind your gear, etc. But as far as can tell, you must figure out weights and what gear is more, which gear is superior, as well as whether or not.
You really have to use a sim I've provided a link to the most well-known Sims which we normally employ in the Mage Discord, and a second sim , which is also utilized. Both are wonderful. However, this is the One which we mostly use, thanks. Shout outs to AWS creator who came up with cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold this.