The shipment of a brand new ultrasonic cleaner will typically include a printed copy of the product's instruction manual. There is a chance that these were misplaced. If you are purchasing a used sonic cleaner, there is a possibility that the owner's manual will not be included in the packaging. This piece of machinery has the potential to cause serious damage if it is not operated correctly; therefore, the topic of this post is centered on providing guidance on how to operate an ultrasonic cleaner. Because each one is significant in its own right, they are not listed in order of importance in this bullet point list.



Putting Bins and Baskets to Use for Organization


  • Ultrasonic cleaner is imperative that the tank of the ultrasonic cleaner is kept completely separate from the components that are undergoing cleaning at any time

  • Why

  • The parts will wear out against the surface of the tank as a result of the ultrasonic cleaner vibrations that are produced by the transducers that are mounted to the tank

  • In the long run, it's possible that this will result in a leak of some kind

  • Instead, place the items that need to be cleaned in parts baskets that have been specifically designed to fit inside the tank

  • This will make it much easier to clean the items

  • For more information on this subject, kindly refer to the post that we have devoted to the design of baskets

  • It is mentioned that suspending larger parts in the solution might be required in order to thoroughly clean them

The Different Stages of the Solution


It is essential that you do not overfill your basket with components because doing so will reduce the efficiency of the cleaning process and may even result in component damage as a result of the components vibrating against one another in the overfilled basket.

Heat can, in most cases, improve the effectiveness of cleaning, but this is not always the case. It is imperative that the cleaning solution formulation's instructions be followed exactly as written on the container. The process of cavitation generates heat and has the potential to raise the temperature of a solution to as high as 600 degrees Celsius. If it is essential for the temperature to be maintained at a constant level, you should give serious consideration to purchasing tanks that come equipped with heaters or outfitting your unit with a cooling coil. If you want more information, have a look at the post that we just published about how to control the temperature.

Care and Feeding of the Solution

The accumulation of contaminants ensures that the effectiveness of the cleaning process will decrease with each subsequent cleaning that is performed. If you skim off contaminants that float to the surface and filter the solution in large tanks, you may be able to put this off for a while; however, in the end, you will need to replace the solution. It needs to be thrown away together with the contaminants that were removed from the surface, as required by the rules that govern this part of the country.

Keeping the Tank Clean and Well-Maintained

When you change the solutions in your tank, be sure to give the container a thorough cleaning and remove any sediment or deposits that have settled to the bottom. This should be done whenever you change the solutions in your tank. After emptying the tank and flushing it with clean water, let it drain completely and dry out completely. When cleaning a tank, you should never use any kind of cleaner that has abrasive properties. Lime deposits can be removed by operating the cleaner while it is filled with a solution of elma tec clean S1 that has been diluted in accordance with the directions. This will remove the lime deposits.

The use of an ultrasonic cleaner cleaner will result in audible noise because the tank wall will be vibrating as a result of the ultrasonic cleaner waves. This is the case even though ultrasonic cleaner waves travel beyond the range of human hearing. Lower frequency cleaners typically result in more noise pollution than their higher frequency counterparts. Workers who are going to be working in close proximity to a running cleaner ought to most likely wear ear protection in that situation. The volume of the noise can also be reduced by using a lid for the tank. For further details on this topic, please refer to the post that was just published on our website and discusses noise and ultrasound.

A method of ventilation

The ultrasonic cleaner activity causes the cleaning solution to vaporize, which becomes more noticeable as the temperature of the solution rises. As a result of this, we strongly suggest that you position your machinery in an area that possesses an adequate amount of ventilation. The tank can have its condensation collected by covering it, which also has the additional benefit of reducing the amount of noise that is produced.

But hold on, there's more where that came from, everybody!

However, it addresses a significant number of the common concerns that come up when using a sonic cleaner, and this is a significant benefit. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask our specialists for sound advice on cleaning with ultrasound or to visit our  learning center. They will be more than happy to assist you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our subject matter experts should you have any questions.