Therefore, I'll only go over the ones that I would consider fairly useful forWoTLK Gold elemental so it's not a comprehensive list. It's just ones that you might consider using or to know about.
So look, so the first thing worth mentioning is Glyph of toma wrath, therefore, when you cast my wrath you will gain 30% of the Totems bonus power for 5 minutes, which is just a flat five minute bath with about 93 spellpower. Glyph of Lightning Bolt is an obvious one on the basis of the amount you're going to use Glyph that lightning bolt. it's simply a flat damage boost of 4% for your lightning bolt. Glyph of lava. The lava effect lets your love of a spell gain an additional 10% your spell power which is a great deal.
It's just flat damage for elemental, they're not particularly exuberant about the glyphs. It's simply bonus damage for one thing or extra spell power on another or providing you with extra the power of your spells. Glyph of Chain Lightning so the chain lightning has hit an additional target, which could be very useful in AOE combats. Glyph of Elemental Mastery reduces the cooldown of the Elemental Mastery power by 30 seconds, which brings it down to the two and a quarter minutes of cooldown.
If you're in a serious AOE battle, you may want to take a look at Glyph Of Fighting this is more heavily used by the enhancement Charmin spell to be specific, however, it's an excellent option to reduce your fine over power down to a cooldown of three seconds.
The Glyph of Flame Shock increases the Critical Strike damage bonus of the damage from flame shock by 60 percent. Not a particularly good one but it's definitely in the realm of the fundamental.
Flame Tongue weapon again more than a common weapon used by spells but it will increase your spell's critical strike chance by 22% when it is active. Flame Tongue weapon is active it will be on all the time in the case of Flame Tongue weapon Flame Tongue weapon is infused with fire and increases spell damage by the number buy WoTLK Classic Gold of 270.