Gold is an essential in-game resource, providing players with unique equipment and resources. In addition, it is used to purchase items from the Auction House. It can also be used to level professions and complete quests.

Players can also earn wow sod gold by grinding mobs that drop valuable items. However, this method is time-consuming.


If you’re looking to make gold in WoW Classic, you’ll need to farm for cloth, leather, herbs, ore, and other valuable items that can be sold on the Auction House. You can also earn money by leveling up your profession and gathering rare materials.

There are a number of great WoW SoD gold farming spots, but the best one may vary depending on your server and your class. For example, the Swamp of Sorrows is a great place to farm because it has low-level mobs and fast respawn times. The Alterac Mountains are another good place to farm because it offers a high amount of loot.

You can also earn money by completing quests. However, it’s important to note that you should avoid turning in Green quests immediately. Instead, save them until you’re close to your cap level. You can then turn in the quests for a substantial amount of gold. You can also use addons to speed up the process and increase your gold-per-hour.


Choosing the right professions is important for making cheap wow season of discovery gold in wow sod. Professions like Herbalism, Mining and Skinning are good for gathering resources that can be sold on the Auction House. These skills are also useful for completing quests that reward high amounts of gold.

Blacksmithing is another great profession for making gold in wow sod. It can craft gear for cloth-wearing classes such as Mages, Priests and Warlocks. It can also craft essential Pre-Raid BiS items for all classes. It can also create a wide range of useful gadgets and bombs for PvP players.

If you want to make the most of your gold-making skills, try using a tool such as GatherMate or Auctioneer. These tools help you locate the best farming spots. They can even show you the location of the most valuable herbs and skins for sale. They can also help you maximize your profits by recommending the highest bids. They can even tell you when to drop your items for the most amount of gold.

Auction House

Gold is the main currency in WoW and allows players to buy gear, consumables, mounts, and other quality-of-life improvements. It can be earned by grinding mobs or by selling high-end materials and trade goods. In addition, players can also earn gold through professions. These include mining, herbalism, and skinning. These professions allow players to gather rare resources and sell them for a profit at the Auction House.

The Auction House (or AH) is a vital part of the game and serves as a good place to make money in WoW. Items can be posted on the AH and will remain there until the auction duration expires or they are bought for their buyout price. It is best to check the AH several times a day, as the activity varies by time of day and server. The AH also fluctuates depending on the amount of content that has been released in the current patch. Players can choose between hand-to-hand transfer or game mail as a shipping method.


Fishing is a relaxing pass time that can be done while waiting for other tasks or in the queue for PVP and dungeons. It may not be the most efficient way to make gold, but it can help players earn some extra cash. In addition, fishing provides valuable ingredients that can be used for crafting and other tasks.

In the northern area of Tanaris, there is a large fishable body of water that is a great spot for skinners. Local turtles drop tons of Turtle Scale, which is worth 70 ducats on the auction house, and thick leather. They also drop Big-Mouth Clams, which contain expensive Pearls.

Another good location for fishing is Stormwind in the Trade District. There are several fishable bodies of water near the city, and many vendors sell fishing lures. These can increase the chances of a catch. In addition, the city has a fishing trainer and a vendor that sells items needed for crafting.