Dave Kosak: Basically. We had three classes at the Blizzcon demo. The complete Dungeon Run contains the entire nine class. There are 48 encounters and each game that you go on a game,WoW cataclysm Gold it will hand with the eight randomly occurring encounters. There's no way to know what's going to happen next, and you're not sure what number of encounters it will pick. There are around 40 treasures. I believe there's twelve treasures on Blizzcon's build. Blizzcon build, but there are 40 total, and they influence how you play.

Another thing that's changed in the Dungeon Run is that you'll find a treasure after every other boss. After the third boss, the fifth, etc. At Blizzcon we handed you a prize each time, because we wanted to showcase additional treasures. However, this made the Blizzcon demo a little more enjoyable. The actual run is difficult and very challenging. We wanted the rogue-like experience where difficulties are part of the fun, and you can experience these amazing increases while playing. Sometimes you get the perfect run when all of the correct cards are hitting and it's a great feeling.

Does Dungeon Run a permanent addition to the game? Dungeon Run only tied to this expansion, or is it an ongoing feature of the game?

This Kobolds & Catacombs Dungeon Run is only for this expansion which includes all cards that are available up to and which includes the Kobolds & Catacombs expansion. The next expansions won't revisit the expansion and add new cards. The idea is that each expansion comes with the complete collection of cards as well in single-player content. Therefore, you could encounter something similar to Dungeon Run in future expansions too.

Was this motivated by a choice to introduce players to the new cards and why it's not similar to Arena in which you must pay an entry fee, 
Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale and then you earn a reward in the close?