Diablo 4 has now seen its long-awaited release to mixed results. Though accomplished in Diablo IV Items several respects, many areas of the dungeon-crawler have left fans wanting. They've come to expect more from the Diablo series, and they aren't shy to express their disappointment.
One way they express that disappointment is through a myriad of memes. These online gags lambaste Diablo 4's shortcomings for all to see. However, they also tie into prominent topics throughout pop culture. The humor stems from all over. Sure, the jokes aren't exactly the most mature, but low-brow blows usually generate the most laughs.
6 Looking Back
Many fans of Diablo pine for previous entries. That especially goes for older initiates and hardcore role-players. The systems of Diablo 2, in particular, were far deeper and more challenging. The game also came before the age of microtransactions and other sick trends practiced by Blizzard. Diablo 4 falls victim to several of these flaws.
Because of that, disgruntled devotees likely relate to this meme. Though the shiny new toy beckons, gamers go back to the product that's already proven itself. That tends to happen whenever long-running franchises release a bad or even subpar sequel. To cleanse the palette, fans return to the familiar. This isn't the only Diablo 2 comparison, though.
5 Before & After
Fans have also used the Witcher series to draw a similar parallel. They liken Diablo 2 to Yennefer of Vengerberg, specifically the version from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Then comes the Resurrected edition. It boasts updated graphics, new monsters, DLC, and other bells and whistles to be the definitive version. The meme appropriately illustrates that with the TV portrayal of Yennefer, whose added depth and killer performance are much closer (in some ways, superior) to the original vision. Sadly, that's where the good stuff ends.
The Witcher: The Most Powerful Mages, According To Lore
The meme then takes a shot at Diablo 4 and its patches. These updates nerfed key aspects of gameplay and earned players' ire. Depicting this downward spiral is the deformed Yennefer--complete with a hunched back, crooked jaw, and dung-stained clothes. It's her appearance from the beginning of the story, which is oddly fitting. The patches feel like several steps backward, so fans take grim satisfaction in calling them out.
4 Lilith for President
Given Lilith's prominence in the cheap Diablo 4 Gold marketing, it was only a matter of time before fans made a joke out of it. The usual method is substituting the promo character for a notorious real-life figure. In this case, that figure is Hillary Clinton. Given her corrupt and dangerous reputation--even by the standard of most politicians--her inclusion isn't surprising. Many already associate her with devilish deviousness. That said, the meme could have swapped her out for anyone and still stuck the landing.