Still upset about getting off? 10 Reasons why singles own fuck dolls

I don't know if you have ever seen that kind of physical doll that looks more beautiful than real life, and it is quite exquisite. In fact, this industry is more popular in foreign countries, introduced to China, because of the different cultural heritage, but also bring a lot of embarrassing scenes and conflict psychology, some people think that does not meet the traditional moral standards of China, in fact, can not find the object of the single young people to buy a physical doll is very legitimate, at least for the following reasons:
1. Relieve work pressure. The work pressure of contemporary single young people is very large, especially the lack of concern in life, and the career is subjected to a lot of pressure, and having a physical doll is the best means to effectively relieve the pressure.
2. Reduce sexual crimes. The imbalance of the ratio of men to women, more and more men can not find objects, have a physical doll, at least can release some people's repression, will reduce sexual crimes to a certain extent.
3. Adjust the interest of life. Single young people or married couples who are temporarily separated from each other can have fuck dolls to adjust the interest of life and make ordinary life more colorful.
4, once China enters the aging, it is said that there will be 400 million old people, half of the elderly, especially in the increasingly superior living conditions, the psychological needs of the elderly are more satisfied, then it also solves the huge social problems.
5, in line with the spirit of conservation-oriented society. Having an object or married people, most of them have to increase some expenses, buy things for their partners, go shopping, and people who want to be single can reduce this part of the expenses, just need to have a physical doll that does not eat or drink.
6, let the disabled have a perfect life. Disabled people find true love, only in the news and stories, and real life is often very difficult, there are many people to face lifelong single, if the entity doll, it is a solution.
7. Make your family more harmonious. Single young people are generally the heart of their parents, the pressure of life makes people become grumpy, is bound to bring some contradictions to the family, with an entity doll, you can make your mood become more pleasant, reduce family contradictions, life will become more harmonious.
8. Necessary for business travelers. When traveling with the entity doll, convenient and practical, one can solve the fatigue of the journey, the second is more safe and hygienic, and the probability of derailing is naturally reduced.
9, single people have an entity doll, will have an effective impact on the yellow industry, in this strong impact of some yellow places are bound to close, then you can also reduce some social pressure.
10, having a physical doll will effectively reduce the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.