The waiting has come to an end. Almost.

We also had a sneak review of other areas that will be released which included Dire Maul, a ruined night-elf city where the previous inhabitants fled and left it to the ogres to invade and conquer, and WoW cataclysm Gold Karazhan Tower, a three-level underground dungeon that is located inside a high and threatening stone tower with three entry points (another option to reduce the possibility of overcrowding). Blizzard intends to place most the content in raids--that's monsters strong enough to be fought with an experienced war group--into dungeons such as that of the Molten Core (a hellish cavern that is the home of a dragon that can fire) that was revealed in late beta. However, it's possible to see a few creatures of the level of raid that are frost-breathing, such as Azurgos (a huge blue dragon) or the majestic Kazzak, the Lord Kazzak (a "doomguard" monster) roaming around outside in certain locations. These monsters that roam outdoors are meant to be an one exception to having raid content kept indoors and in instances. As creator Jeff Kaplan explains, sometimes it's nice to have some competition to see who is able to defeat the first raider.

Additionally, Blizzard plans to systematically reveal new armor and weapons as well as strong armor "sets" that offer bonus points as you collect and equip more additional parts. The full set of armor gives your character incredibly powerful bonuses. As as it turns out, the previous beta phase introduced at least one brand new set of armor designed for warriors that testers were unable to complete. There'll be plenty of chances to find amazing weapons and armor (and hopefully not need to fix them as often) when the game goes live this week.

Shippin' Out November. 9-15"Wrath of the Lich King

MMOG players take note the 800-pound gorilla is coming out of its corner. In a year full of legitimate challengers, Blizzard tainment this week returns with WoW Cataclysm Classic: Wrath of the Lich King, the second expansion to its 11-million-player-strong massively multiplayer online game.

Wrath of the Lich King has big shoes to fill, considering its predecessor, The Burning Crusade, set PC sales records with its 2.4-million-units-in-24-hours debut in January 2007. But it's unlikely to be hindered by the two rivals mentioned above such as the Funcom's Age of Conan and Mythic's Warhammer Online. On the Activision Blizzard's conference call following the release of its earnings this week, Blizzard President Mike Morhaime stated that the majority of WOW's players who switched to the first, and 48 percent of those who stayed with the latter had previously renewed subscriptions with Azeroth.

Blizzard might be in the process of tying up the PC charts however console players will have to make some very difficult choices to avoid massive credit card debt. One of the top choices for many is the action game from Activision's WoW Cataclysm Classic on the Xbox 360, PlayStation, Wii, DS, and PC. Activision has a dual studio setup in its WoW Cataclysm Classic franchise, which means that when COD4 makers Infinity Ward continue to work on the 2009 installment of the series, Spider-Man handlers Treyarch have been given the reigns over WoW Cataclysm Classic. Instead of keeping the modern-day world of COD4 Treyarch has gone back into an earlier time frame, the Axis cheap WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold and Allies conflict from the 1940s.