In 2011, CEO Jed York hired Jim Harbaugh, who promptly led the previously wayward franchise to records of 13-3, 11-4-1, 12-4 and 8-8 in his four seasons. That included three NFC Championship Todd Bertuzzi Women Jersey Game appearances and one fourth-down conversion away from winning a . But York and Harbaugh parted ways after the 2014 season and the 49ers resumed being not very good at football. They went 5-11 in Jim Tomsula's one year on the job, and followed that up with a two-win performance with Chip Kelly, who also lasted just one season. More on Super Bowl LI York dumped longtime general manager Trent Baalke, too, and on Sunday he replaced him not Trevor Linden Women Jersey with a scout or front-office type who had worked their way up the organizational chart, . It was a curious decision, even by York's standards. Here's how he explained it to's Peter King: "Nothing is guaranteed," . "But so many opportunities are mi sed in the because people don't want to do something different. We're OK with that, because I am confident in Kyle Shanahan and John. John has watched John Elway, and how he's built a team in Denver. As easy as it is to say he hasn't built a team yet -- I get that -- I talk to Kyle, and he says John is the most Brandon Sutter Men Jersey prepared of all the TV people he meets in the production meetings before games. "We understand we'll have to live with growing pains, but I'm willing to do that because I believe the upside with both of them is so great." To recap: York is confident in John, which makes sense, because he just hired him. But he's also confident in Kyle. Nikolay Goldobin Jersey That's Kyle Shanahan, offensive coordinator who, apparently, will be the next 49ers' coach. An announcement could come as early as Monday, Feb. 6, the day after the Falcons and face off in Super Bowl LI. And perhaps Lynch's lack of experience is more feature than bug; if the 49ers , it makes sense to pair him with a le s experienced general manager who has plenty of upside. So, for now, it looks like the 49ers will land the league hottest coaching candidate in a Jay Beagle Women Jersey week's time. Then the question becomes: How do Lynch and Shanahan fix this me s? First order of busine s: Finding a franchise quarterback. Because without one, none of these front-office or coaching hires will much matter.
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