Peristaltic Pump Installation and Piping
- Stable Installation:The pump should be installed on a stable surface to reduce vibration and noise.
- Flexible Connection:A flexible or rigid short section (approximately 80-100 cm) should be installed between the pump's outlet flange and the pipeline to facilitate tube replacement.
- Installation Height:The pump can be installed above the material level without the need for priming, as long as the height difference does not exceed 20 meters.
- Installation for Viscous Fluids:For fluids with high viscosity, many particles, or poor flowability, the pump should generally be installed below the material level.
- Piping Design:Minimize the number of bends, especially right-angle bends. The outlet pipe diameter should generally be the same as the tube diameter. For long pipelines or high-viscosity fluids, the outlet pipe diameter can be 1.2-1.3 times the tube diameter.
- No Check Valves:Do not install check valves at the pump inlet or outlet.
- Pressure Gauge:Install a pressure gauge at the pump outlet to monitor its operation.
- Inlet and Outlet:The pump inlet and outlet can be interchangeable, depending on the piping configuration and specific requirements.
- Electrical Controls:Equip the pump with a forward/reverse switch for maintenance, tube replacement, and self-cleaning.
For more detailed information on peristaltic pump installation and usage, please click here.