1. Weapon and Gear

Look for weapons and armor that enhance core skills, particularly Dance of Diablo 4 Gold Knives and Shadow Imbuement. Prioritize gear with the following stats:

    Critical Strike Chance: Boosts your damage output significantly.

    Shadow Damage: Increases the effectiveness of Shadow Imbuement.

    Energy Regeneration: Ensures you can keep spamming your abilities without running out of resources.

  1. Legendary Aspects

Seek out Legendary Aspects that enhance your AoE damage, reduce cooldowns, or provide additional survivability. Some key Aspects to look for include:

    Aspect of Exploding Shadows: Amplifies the explosion radius of Shadow Imbuement.

    Aspect of the Dancing Blades: Reduces Dance of Knives' energy cost and increases its damage output.

    Aspect of Persistent Darkness: Prolongs the duration of Andariel admissions Shadow effects, ensuring consistent damage against enemies.