It's 226 gear for armor slots and 232 WoTLK Gold gear for the weapon slot as that was the top gear that was available in the Old war time, so you'll need to have a set of armor, which is two to six armor pieces for weapons and offense. We'll look at the other sets that were Harold the titan. Titans yes that several of the Titans.
Then, after that, the undying is for completing this next batch of 10 man the entire raid in one go, without losing anybody or immortal is for 25 Man and not having anyone die. light of dawn is for completing 25 Min an heroic feat, and the lich king is for 25 min. There's no like deathless achievement. You just killed 25 Min Blitzscale.
When you're heroic, you're given the dawn light. Defender is a tribute to insanity and dedication and that is to complete the trial of the great Crusader 10 people with just 232 gears and lower, so it's like the herald of Titans but you need to complete the whole task independently and will not be able to erase that either. So it's a very very challenging feat. It's a lot cheap WoTLK Classic Gold harder than praising the Titans I was not able to grasp the concept of.