Shaman equipment can be focused on Lost Ark Gold one of three areas, based on the style you play and your talent distribution.
Spells and Casting Specialization: Magic-loving Shamans should focus on receiving large increases in Intellect and Spirituality, and getting items that can boost their healing abilities or offensive spells. Melee Spezialization: Strength endurance, agility and pure armor are more crucial for shamans who concentrate on making use of their weapons. The Balanced Method: If you're looking to maximize your flexibility you'll need to be flexible. you'll need to balance your stat bonuses among several different stats. This can be a bit freeing, as every piece of equipment is likely to prove useful, but be a challenge to control.
Luckily, you'ren't locked to any of these roles. you are free to swap your gear to accommodate different emphasis on stats if you feel that your strategy doesn't work for you.
For weapons, shamans typically prefer a shield or one-handed weapons to boost their protection. If you're planning to go for a melee weapon, however, you have the option of an axe or two-handed mace to deal more damage.
Elemental Combat Elemental Combat is the realm of the shaman who decides not to allow his magic speak for him. A majority of your direct damage spells can be found here, such as the instant-cast nukes are used frequently in battle, but there are also a variety of non-damagingbut beneficial spells, like the often-repeated Earthbind Totem.
While you progress through the middle of your character's lifetime you'll be able to gauge about whether you'd prefer to highlight the direct damage spells at your disposal and, if so, you'll need to saturate your abilities into the tree. Alternatively, you'd rather take more a stout approach to Lost Ark Gold for sale your weapons, then you're likely to prefer enhancement.